
The fastest way to try Spotrix locally is by using Docker and Docker Compose on a Linux or Mac OSX computer.

pip install spotrix

For more versions, please refer here.

Then run Spotrix:

# Init spotrix server
spotrix init

# Run Spotrix (open your browser with http://localhost:5000)
spotrix run 

Check Spotrix version:

Spotrix version
 ___                  _                  
(  _`\               ( )_        _       
| (_(_) _ _      _   | ,_) _ __ (_)      
`\__ \ ( '_`\  /'_`\ | |  ( '__)| |(`\/')
( )_) || (_) )( (_) )| |_ | |   | | >  < 
`\____)| ,__/'`\___/'`\__)(_)   (_)(_/\_)
       | |                               
Version: 1.2.0

Last updated