Creating your charts

Chart Category



Visualize a related metric across pairs of groups. Heatmaps excel at showcasing the correlation or strength between two groups. Color is used to emphasize the strength of the link between each pair of groups.

Calendar Heatmap

Visualizes how a metric has changed over a time using a color scale and a calendar view. Gray values are used to indicate missing values and the linear color scheme is used to encode the magnitude of each day's value.

Bubble Chart

Visualizes a metric across three dimensions of data in a single chart (X axis, Y axis, and bubble size). Bubbles from the same group can be showcased using bubble color.

Paired-test Table

A table that visualizes paired t-tests, which are used to understand statistical differences between groups.



Take your data points, and group them into "bins" to see where the densest areas of information lie.

Box Plot

Also known as a box and whisker plot, this visualization compares the distributions of a related metric across multiple groups. The box in the middle emphasizes the mean, median, and inner 2 quartiles. The whiskers around each box visualize the min, max, range, and outer 2 quartiles.

Horizon Chart

Compares how a metric changes over time between different groups. Each group is mapped to a row and change over time is visualized bar lengths and color.


Line Chart

Classic chart that visualizes how metrics change over time.

Time-series Line Chart

Time-series line chart is used to visualize repeated measurements taken over regular time intervals. Line chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields.

Time-series Area Chart

Time-series Area chart are similar to line chart in that they represent variables with the same scale, but area charts stack the metrics on top of each other. An area chart in Superset can be stream, stack, or expand.

Time-series Bar Chart v2

Time-series Bar Charts are used to show the changes in a metric over time as a series of bars.

Time-series Scatter Plot

Time-series Scatter Plot has time on the horizontal axis in linear units, and the points are connected in order. It shows a statistical relationship between two variables.

Mixed Time-Series

Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis time range. Note that each time series can be visualized differently (e.g. 1 using bars and 1 using a line).

Area Chart

A time series chart that visualizes how a related metric from multiple groups vary over time. Each group is visualized using a different color.

Time-series Bar Chart

Visualize how a metric changes over time using bars. Add a group by column to visualize group level metrics and how they change over time.

Dual Line Chart

Visualizes 2 metrics as line plots using the same x-axis. This chart is useful for comparing metrics across the same time range.

Multiple Line Charts

Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis time range. This chart is being deprecated and we recommend using the Mixed Timeseries Chart instead!

Time-series Percent Change

Visualizes many different time-series objects in a single chart. This chart is being deprecated and we recommend using the Time-series Chart instead.

Time-series Chart

Swiss army knife for visualizing time series data. Choose between step, line, scatter, and bar charts. This viz type has many customization options as well.

Time-series Smooth Line

Time-series Smooth-line is a variation of line chart. Without angles and hard edges, Smooth-line looks more smarter and more professional.

Time-series Stepped Line

Time-series Stepped-line graph (also called step chart) is a variation of line chart but with the line forming a series of steps between data points. A step chart can be useful when you want to show the changes that occur at irregular intervals.


Sankey Diagram

Visualizes the flow of different group's values through different stages of a system. New stages in the pipeline are visualized as nodes or layers. The thickness of the bars or edges represent the metric being visualized.

Event Flow

Compares the lengths of time different activities take in a shared timeline view.

Graph Chart

Displays connections between entities in a graph structure. Useful for mapping relationships and showing which nodes are important in a network. Graph charts can be configured to be force-directed or circulate. If your data has a geospatial component, try the Arc chart.

Chord Diagram

Showcases the flow or link between categories using thickness of chords. The value and corresponding thickness can be different for each side.


Big Number with Trendline

Showcases a single number accompanied by a simple line chart, to call attention to an important metric along with its change over time or other dimension.

Big Number

Showcases a single metric front-and-center. Big number is best used to call attention to a KPI or the one thing you want your audience to focus on.

Bullet Chart

Showcases the progress of a single metric against a given target. The higher the fill, the closer the metric is to the target.

Funnel Chart

Showcases how a metric changes as the funnel progresses. This classic chart is useful for visualizing drop-off between stages in a pipeline or lifecycle.

Gauge Chart

Uses a gauge to showcase progress of a metric towards a target. The position of the dial represents the progress and the terminal value in the gauge represents the target value.

Map Polygon

Visualizes geographic areas from your data as polygons on a Mapbox rendered map. Polygons can be colored using a metric. Scatterplot

A map that takes rendering circles with a variable radius at latitude/longitude coordinates. 3D Hexagon

Overlays a hexagonal grid on a map, and aggregates data within the boundary of each cell. Arc

Plot the distance (like flight paths) between origin and destination. Grid

Visualize geospatial data like 3D buildings, landscapes, or objects in grid view. Screen Grid

Aggregates data within the boundary of grid cells and maps the aggregated values to a dynamic color scale. Geojson

The GeoJsonLayer takes in GeoJSON formatted data and renders it as interactive polygons, lines and points (circles, icons and/or texts). Multiple Layers

Compose multiple layers together to form complex visuals. Path

Visualizes connected points, which form a path, on a map.

World Map

A map of the world, that can indicate values in different countries.

Country Map

Visualizes how a single metric varies across a country's principal subdivisions (states, provinces, etc) on a chloropleth map. Each subdivision's value is elevated when you hover over the corresponding geographic boundary.

Part of a Whole

Pie Chart

The classic. Great for showing how much of a company each investor gets, what demographics follow your blog, or what portion of the budget goes to the military industrial complex. Pie charts can be difficult to interpret precisely. If clarity of relative proportion is important, consider using a bar or other chart type instead.


Shows the composition of a dataset by segmenting a given rectangle as smaller rectangles with areas proportional to their value or contribution to the whole. Those rectangles may also, in turn, be further segmented hierarchically.

Sunburst Chart

Uses circles to visualize the flow of data through different stages of a system. Hover over individual paths in the visualization to understand the stages a value took. Useful for multi-stage, multi-group visualizing funnels and pipelines.

Partition Chart

Compare the same summarized metric across multiple groups.

Treemap v2

Show hierarchical relationships of data, with with the value represented by area, showing proportion and contribution to the whole.

Tree Chart

Visualize multiple levels of hierarchy using a familiar tree-like structure.


Bar Chart

Compares metrics from different categories using bars. Bar lengths are used to indicate the magnitude of each value and color is used to differentiate groups.

Word Cloud

Visualizes the words in a column that appear the most often. Bigger font corresponds to higher frequency.

Nightingale Rose Chart

A polar coordinate chart where the circle is broken into wedges of equal angle, and the value represented by any wedge is illustrated by its area, rather than its radius or sweep angle.

Parallel Coordinates

Plots the individual metrics for each row in the data vertically and links them together as a line. This chart is useful for comparing multiple metrics across all of the samples or rows in the data.

Radar Chart

Visualize a parallel set of metrics across multiple groups. Each group is visualized using its own line of points and each metric is represented as an edge in the chart.



Classic row-by-column spreadsheet like view of a dataset. Use tables to showcase a view into the underlying data or to show aggregated metrics.

Pivot Table v2

Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and assignee, active users by age and location. Not the most visually stunning visualization, but highly informative and versatile.

Time-series Table

Compare multiple time series charts (as sparklines) and related metrics quickly.

Pivot Table

Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and assignee, active users by age and location. This chart is being deprecated and we recommend checking out Pivot Table V2 instead!

Last updated

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