Python versions

Irelia formulas are written in Python, the most popular language for data science. The entirety of Python’s standard library is available to you. For those with a spreadsheet background, we’ve also added a suite of Excel-like functions, with all-uppercase names. Here’s the full list of functions. Python formulas are evaluated in a sandbox, without internet access, and without a persistent filesystem.

Supported versions

We currently support two versions of Python:

  • Python 3 (specifically 3.9 at the time of writing)

  • Python 2 (specifically 2.7)

Newly created documents on our hosted service use Python 3 by default, while older documents (created before November 2021 approximately) use Python 2 by default. To tell which version of Python a specific document uses, look at its Document Settings. The Engine setting may be python2, python3, or blank. A blank setting implies python2.

If you have editing rights on a document, you can change the Engine setting, and the document will then reload with all formulas now interpreted using the version of Python you have specified. We recommend caution in doing so. A formula that works as intended in one version of Python may give errors in another, or (worse) give the wrong results.

Last updated