Create a New Project

The easiest way to start building a Sheenflow project is by using the sheenflow project CLI.

This CLI tool helps generate files and folder structures that enable you to quickly get started with Sheenflow.

Bootstrap a New Project

To get started, you can run:

sheenflow project scaffold --name my-sheenflow

The command sheenflow project scaffold generates a folder structure with a single Sheenflow code location and other files such as pyproject.toml and helps you to quickly start with an empty project with everything set up.

Here's a breakdown of the files and directories that are generated:

  • my_sheenflow: A Python package that contains your new Sheenflow code.

  • my_sheenflow_tests: A python package that contains tests for my_sheenflow.

  • A description and started guide for your new Sheenflow project.

  • pyproject.toml: A file that specifies package core metadata in static, tool-agnostic way.

  • A build script with Python package dependencies for your new project as a package.

  • setup.cfg: An ini file that contains option defaults for commands.

Inside of the my_sheenflow directory, the following files and directories are generated:

  • my_sheenflow/ Includes a Definitions object that contains all the definitions defined within your project.

  • my_sheenflow/ A python module that contains software-defined assets.

Getting Started

The newly generated my-sheenflow directory is a fully functioning Python package and can be installed with pip. To install it as a package and its Python dependencies, run:

pip install -e .

Then, start the Sheenflow web server:


Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the project.

Now, you can start writing your assets 🚀.

Last updated