
Luden supports any HTTP destinations. WebHook destination can send configurable HTTP requests based on input JS/API event objects. For instance WebHook destination can send notifications about important conversion events to Slack or another notification channel. URL and Body might be configured with JavaScript. It allows enriching HTTP request with data from JS/API events.

Filtering Events

For filtering events stream to prevent sending all events to WebHook table_name_template is used. For more information see Table Names and Filters.


WebHook configuration parameters:

  • url: HTTP URL.

  • method: HTTP method.

  • body: HTTP request JSON body.

  • headers: HTTP headers Map.

JavaScript Support

JavaScript code runs in a context where Luden put incoming events as global variables event and short convenient synonyms $ or _

//all 3 expressions are equivalent:
_.event_type //this one better suits Template literals `Welcome, ${_.user?.name}!`

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