Search Query Language

🔎 LeonaLog Search Query

The Search syntax is very close to the Lucene syntax. By default, all message fields are included in the same search if you don't specify a message field to search in.

Syntax Support

  • Messages that include the term ssh

  • Messages that include the term ssh or login

  • Messages that include the exact phrase ssh login

  • Messages where the field type include ssh

  • Messages where the field type includes ssh or login

  • Messages where the field type includes the exact phrase ssh login

  • Messages that have the field type

  • Messages that do not have the field type

  • Messages that match the regular expression ethernet[0-9]+

  • By default, all terms or phrases OR connected so all messages that have at least one hit are returned. You can use Boolean operators and groups


The following character must be escaped with a backslash:

& | : \ / + - ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ?



Error Types

When entering your queries be sure to look out for warnings and exceptions. If you enter a query leona won't understand, an icon with a yellow exclamation mark appears along with a message with the warnings or exceptions. They include:

  • Parse exception

  • Invalid operator

  • Unknown field

  • Parameter error

Last updated